Amazing Extensions: Developpe training program

Amazing Extensions:Your complete training guide for higher développé

$17.00 USD / £15.00 GBP

Amazing, Instagram-worthy extensions are the dream of every dance student. Yet despite hours of hard work and years of dedications, most dancers struggle to achieve a développé much above ninety degrees.  

Some lucky dancers manage to achieve photo-worthy extensions simply by attending class regularly and following this standard advice. However, for most dancers these old-fashioned and unscientific techniques simply do not build sufficient strength and control to achieve great extensions. 

In this program, I explain why the traditional techniques are ineffective and discuss the factors that could be holding you back. I also describe the anatomy of a perfect développé, so that you can understand what is going on in your body. If you understand what is happening within your muscles, joints, and nervous system, then you can work with your body, rather than fighting against your limitations! 

I then teach you a detailed training program that will take you from wherever you are in your training journey today to the best développé you can achieve. The program teaches you how to isolate and activate the muscles responsible for lifting the leg up. Then, the exercises progress to help you build the high-level strength and neuromusclular control needed to achieve significant leg height.


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Who is this program for: 

  • Anyone who wants to improve their développé height!  
  • Dancers of all training levels and abilities. The program starts with basic exercises and progresses right through to very advanced level training, thus making it suitable for all training levels. All of the exercises also have adaptations within them to suit your training level. 
  • All dance styles. While a classical développé and a 190 degree side tilt in a commercial routine may look different, what happens within a dancer’s anatomy is incredibly similar. The muscles used and neuromuscular control needed are the same, regardless of the style of dance you choose. 
  • Dancers willing to put in hard work to reach their goal. Dance training takes dedication, there are no quick fixes or magic wands here. 

What you won’t find in this program: 

  • Gimmicky, “get rich quick” propaganda. Building the strength and control for a perfect développé takes time. There are no quick fixes or magic wands. I do not make empty promises that you can achieve a 170 degree développé overnight. Rather, I give you the knowledge and tools you can use to empower your training. 

What’s included in the program: 

  • Detailed explanations about the anatomy of a développé, including all of the elements you need within your body to achieve great leg height. I firmly believe it’s greatly empowering for dancers to understand their bodies and how they work. In my experience, dancers who have at least a basic knowledge of anatomy can train smarter, and therefor better. 
  • Full training program, starting from the basics and progressing through to very advanced level exercises. You will not reach a frustrating training plateau with this program, but rather will be able to keep progressing until you reach your goals! 
  • Follow-up support via email FOREVER (FREE). I want you to achieve great results! If at any point after purchasing this program you feel you are not improving, contact me so we can put you on the path to success. 
  • Access to our private Facebook group, so that you can easily ask questions, get advice, and share successes with other amazing dancers. 
Développé training step 1 – The iliopsoas test and strengthener


  1. How long does it take to see results? 

Results will be very individual. Your progression will depend on a wide range of factors, including your previous training experiences, your currently level of strength and fitness, your overall training plan, diet, and even your genetics. All of these factors combined will influence how quickly you can build strength. Realistically, you should start to see noticeable improvement in about 6-8 weeks, with more significant progress in about 3-6 months. 

  1. Is the program suitable for children and young people? 

The program, as it is, is suitable for anyone aged 14 and over.  

That said, I have used this program very successfully with many younger dancers. Supplemental strength training has been shown to be both safe and beneficial for children and young people. However, due to the demands of growing bodies and the differences in way children use their muscle fibres, strength training needs to be implemented slightly differently and properly supervised. If you are a younger dancer, or the parent or teacher of a younger dancer, please contact me for further advice.  

  1. As a teacher, can I use this program in my school with my students? 

Yes, the whole ethos of my work is to get dancers training smarter and more effectively, and what better place to start than in class! The program is too long to incorporate into a normal class. So, to teach and run the program in its entirety, I recommend that it is run as a separate class. However, you can successfully add elements to your normal teaching to promote your student’s strength and control. If you would like to explore this latter option, please contact me for further advice. 

  1. I am not in the UK or USA, can I still purchase the program? 

Absolutely! I consider myself very fortunate to be able to work with dancers from all over the world. Thanks to modern technology, you can pay securely through Stripe pay or PayPal with no transaction fee and full buyer protection. I am licenced and registered with the healthcare and physiotherapy professional bodies in the UK. If you have any concerns, please see my website for full T&Cs regarding international legislations. 

Any more questions about the program and how you can benefit? Contact me today