Take your performance to the next level with the fully-individualized Power Up training program

The program:

  • << 5 video-call or in-person consultations PLUS your individualized training plan and unlimited follow-up support >>
  • An initial video consultation of 1 hour to fully assess your strength and technique, any areas of aches and pains or particular concern, and mobility restrictions.  
  • You will then receive your detailed, personalized program with pictures, exercise instructions, and video links (if applicable) and –
  • A follow-up video consultation to go through the program, teach you the exercises, and discuss any questions or concerns.  
  • The program also includes an assessment/re-assessment document – this explains how to test yourself at the start of the program and then retest at regular intervals to gauge your progress in measurable terms.  
  • Then – this is the key to continual progress – A third video consultation 4-6 weeks after commencing your program to assess your progress, make any necessary adjustments and progressions to your program (to keep you from hitting a training plateau), and discuss any questions or concerns.  
  • Two further follow-up consultations to continue to progress your program as necessary and discuss any questions or concerns. These can be completed on your own time-frame, there is no expiration limit.   
  • Unlimited follow-up support via email FOREVER.  
  • Additional follow-up consultations can be purchased for the discounted rate of £20, with the discount available FOREVER.  

The total cost of the package is £250. This can be made by installments with prior agreement. To arrange a payment plan, go ahead book your session, then contact me to discuss payment options. Student discount and scholarships are also available. Contact me for more details if you think you might qualify.

Why the Power Up training program?

As dancers, we are always striving to improve – higher jumps, more rotations in a pirouette, more gravity-defying lifts. Of course, taking classes is the foundation for all forms of dance training. Class is where you learn the fundamental skills you need, including movement patterns, technique, and artistry. However, going to class a few times a week can only take you so far. To achieve the levels of strength and endurance required in the competitive world of dance, you need to include supplemental training. 

Applying the science of athletic training to dance training is the most successful way to help dancers improve their performance and reduce injuries. Whether you’ve reached a plateau in your training, you’re trying to bounce back from an injury, or you simply want to push yourself to the next level, having a structured, individualised training plan is key. For example, simply performing a movement over and over again is rarely the most effective way to improve. Dancers can improve the height of their developpé much faster through targeted strengthening of the hips, rather than simply practicing a developpé exercise repeatedly. 

Often, when dancers hit a plateau in their technique or training, it comes down to one thing – doing exercises and drills that are not specific for their body. We are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses! All dedicated dancers can see fast and exciting progress with individualised, targeted strength training, addressing individual areas of weaknesses and technique problems.  

After 8 weeks following Robin’s program, my turn-out has improved so much! I never realized my hips were weak, and that was the reason I always struggled with turn-out. I used to spend hours in a frog stretch, thinking that flexibility was the key to better turn-out, but it never seemed to improved. Now, with her strength-training exercises, my hips are far more open – and happier! No more clicking!

Caitlin, London

Single Sessions

Not ready to commit to the full program? You can choose a starter session for £45. If you choose this option, I can assess one area which you would like to improve and provide appropriate advice and exercises. (For example, many clients choosing a single session will work on improving extensions.)

Then… if you decide you’d like to progress to the full program, the £45 will be deducted from the cost.

Start your journey

If your dance training has hit a plateau, you’re suffering from pain or injury, or you want to injury-proof your body, you can ask for some expert advice – with no obligation to become a client. Book a FREE discovery session to get some personal advice.

Consultations can be either via video call or in-person at one of my two clinics in Northern Ireland. For more information on how video call sessions work and FAQs, see my Online Dance Physiotherapy page.

If you are not satisfied with the program within 30 days, you can receive a full refund.