Announcing my new YouTube video series!

It is now widely accpeted that cross training should be an integral part of all dancers’ schedules. Strength training in particular offers huge performance benefits. It can help you achieve more powerful jumps and higher extensions, reduce your risk of injury, and build the endurance you need to last your performances. (Read more here, if you’re interested)

My dance clients and students often tell me that they know how much they would benefit from more strength training, but they really struggle to fit it in. We all have tons of work, school, life, etc. commitments, maybe attend multiple dance classes, and still need to spend time with friends and family (so important!)

I totally get it! I’m a full-time physical therapist, working in a very busy clinic, a full time mom, as well as an ever a committed dancer. Do I always practice what I preach and do all of my cross training? Well, I try, but I must admit it doesn’t always happen as much as I’d like.

So…In collaboration with some of my current clients and a couple of my physio and personal training colleagues, we are creating a new video series of Quick Tips. These videos will focus on exercises and drills to help you boost your performance, improve your flexibility and help protect from injury. The key is that the exercises will all be super easy to fit into your busy schedule, but still enable you to achieve your goals. Maximum bang for your buck, so to speak! In most cases, you will be able to slot the exercises into a warm-up or cool down, pop them out in a break at work, or perfect a few reps will watching some telly. Here is the first in the series:

How to use the Quick Tip exercises

There is no right or wrong approach to these exercises. The key to success is just finding a routine that works for you! The scientific evidence generally agrees that you need to train a muscle or movement minimum twice a week to see results. But that doesn’t mean an exercise has to be part of a full hour long training session. You can slip an exercise or two into your warm-up before class, add another exercise during a quick break from work, and pop out a few reps of something else while watching some television.

To make sure you cover all your goals, I often recommend to clients to focus on one area of your body a day, rotating the exercises. For example, pick 2 drills for developpe the first day, 2 drills for stronger feet the next day, and so on. However, feel free to be creative and adaptable to your individual schedule! As always, any questions, just ask! Leave a comment below or contact me.

Will this type of training be effective?

Absolutely! Muscle respond to strength training regardless of when our where you do it. Your muscles don’t care if you train them in the gym, the studio, or in front of the TV! As long as you challenge your muscles, i.e. work them until they are tired, your strength will improve. You do not need to set out for a full 30 minute or hour long training session to get results. You may even find you have better results by slipping in exercises here and there, because it means you fit them in more often!

We need your help!

Creating these videos is all about helping you – the real-life performing artists. What technique or training tips would you like us to cover? What areas of training do you struggle to fit in? Leave your comments below, and help us to help you!

Head over to my YouTube channel to find all of the videos in this playlist. Also, please consider SUBSCRIBING to my YouTube channel. YouTube subscribers don’t earn me any money, but they do help me create more FREE content and reach more viewers. As always, my videos aim to bring high-quality, scientifically accurate advice to the internet, thus helping dancers everywhere to train more effectively and more safely.

(For now, you’re likely to only see my face on the videos, but I’m working on getting my partners-in-crime brave enough to get behind the camera! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Stay tuned…)