Trying to force yourself into the middle splits is not only painful, but puts you on a fast track to injury. Adductor muscle strains and hip pain are problems I commonly see as a result of some risky middle splits drills. In fact, middle splits training is notorious for all sorts of crazy unsafe training techniques. Some of these cringe-worthy practices are probably the most common cause of stretching related injuries that I see. (Head over to my post about overstretching to read more about the dangers of intense stretching.)
Try the lunge variation below instead. It works on the muscle strength you need to support the middle split position safely, while actively opening the hips. If done properly, you should really “feel the burn” in your quads and glutes!
Start slowly with this exercise, as it’s super intense. Try 10 reps, and avoid pushing too deep. As you get stronger at this exercise, you can start to take it deeper, so that you get closer to the ground.
If you are unsure about the technique, please leave any questions below BEFORE you try the exercise!
Obviously, this is only a short post, but I will be covering some more drills in improve your middle splits in the upcoming weeks. Make sure you follow me on social media, and subscribe to my YouTube channel, to stay up-to-date with my latest training tips!