One of the most common questions I get asked is “How can I get my legs higher in developpé”. Amazing extensions are the envy of every dancer and one of the top goals of every aspiring artist. In this introduction to developpé training, I’m going to briefly discuss the anatomy. You can also click over to my YouTube video, where I demonstrate three exercises you can start doing today to strengthen the appropriate muscles.
Do you know what muscles are predominantly required for developpé? (Hint – it’s NOT the back of your leg!)
After my two recent social media posts demonstrating a couple of developpé exercises, my inbox has been flooded with requests for further advice. Among other questions, one stood out:
“When I try your kneeling exercise, I can’t seem to use the back of my leg to lift. I only feel it at the front of my hip and thigh.”
This is one of those common myths in the dance world that just won’t go away, even though dance science continues to progress. I certainly remember this myth from my dance student days.
It is physically impossible to lift from the back of your leg. In a slightly simplified explanation, the hip flexor muscles, psoas major and iliacus, are the main muscles that bend your hip up and lift your leg. The quads are the main muscles that straighten your knee.

Our legs are heavy – roughly 15-20% of your body weight – so these muscles have to be super strong to lift the weight of you leg against the forces of gravity. When you feel a gripping at the front of your hip and thigh (and told by a well-meaning teacher to relax this), it’s usually because the muscles don’t have enough strength to do what you are asking them to do. That gripping feeling is the muscles desperately trying hold on. The best way to prevent this gripping is to strengthen these muscles so they don’t have to work so hard. Then, as the muscles get stronger, you will gradually be able to lift the leg higher.
Many teachers and dancers spend hours and hours focusing on technique as the key to high extensions. However, there is no magic technique that will enable you to lift the weight of your leg against gravity. It all comes down to strength. Once you have the strength, the technique will fall into place. Equally, spending hours stretching won’t help you get your leg higher. By focusing on building the strength to perform the perfect developpé, you will naturally develop sufficient flexibility. In fact, building strength is one of the best ways to improve your flexibility. (You can read more about that here.)
*** Update October 2021 *** If you are serious about improving your developpé, check out my Amazing Extensions comprehensive developpé training program. Also, head to my YouTube channel, where I have uploaded a few more developpé training tips.
I have quickly put together a short YouTube video introducing developpé training and demonstrating 3 exercises to get you started. (I put it together while my little munchkin was napping, so it’s really not a polished performance!😂) ***EDIT*** Below is one of my older videos. I have now uploaded a few more great developpé training tips on my YouTube channels, so make sure to check them all out!